Facts About Bermuda

Bermuda is a world-class jurisdiction for business. Read below and connect with our partners to learn more!

Less than a two-hour flight from New York, Bermuda fosters a collaborative business culture that sees government, industry, and regulators working together for the jurisdiction’s commercial success. That history has created a highly respected and successful financial centre recognised for worldwide standards of compliance, regulation, transparency, and infrastructure. With over 100 tax-treaty partners around the world, Bermuda is rated a first-class domicile by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Top global service-providers have created a workforce of experienced, internationally trained, and qualified professionals. Notably, the island is the world’s largest captive domicile, one of the top three reinsurance centres, and the leading market for property catastrophe insurance and insurance-linked securities.

Bermuda is globally respected for its leadership and proven record on compliance and transparency. The jurisdiction has more than 90 treaty partnerships with nations around the world. In 2016, the European Union awarded Bermuda full equivalence with Europe’s Solvency II insurance regulatory regime. Bermuda’s banks are the only banks in the region to have adopted Basel III capital and liquidity requirements.

Bermuda is a centre for funds, trusts, HNWI offices, shipping, aviation, and new ventures. Asset management, trust and private client business, family-office structures, shipping and aviation companies, and related registries (plus new ventures such as tech startups and biomed companies) contribute to its economy.

Bermuda is a highly collaborative jurisdiction. Industry, government, and regulators work closely together to facilitate speed to market and innovative, expeditious resolution of client issues.